
QGIS 3.30 ‘s-Hertogenbosch released 04.02.23

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QGIS 3.30 ‘s-Hertogenbosch released 04.02.23

On Mai 6, 2023, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With Kommentare deaktiviert für QGIS 3.30 ‘s-Hertogenbosch released 04.02.23

The 3.30 ‚s-Hertogenbosch release of the groundbreaking QGIS project introduces a wide range of changes and optimizations from the QGIS developer community.

The native GeoNode integration has also been migrated to an external plugin, leveraging the powerful extensions to the QGIS API for plugins implemented in recent releases.

Users can also look forward to new functionality and UX enhancements, including support for raster attribute tables, intelligent and configurable sorting for layer loading, improvements to GPS utilities, more dynamic form widgets, native rich media previews for attachments, better integration with cloud services, extensions to the QGIS metadata standards, and a host of other noteworthy additions.

Find more Infos on the newest release here.

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